Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hey, Hey, Hey. Qavah A Minute! (I Think He Could Be Glue)

Well…I was doing my devotions the other day. And in my devotions I just happen to be reading through the book of Isaiah. (Note: Reading through the prophets can seem a little dry at times) So I’m doing my reading and thinking the usual…”ok so what does all this stuff that he says have to do with me? He’s a prophet, who obviously isn’t prophesying to me.”

And then it came, when I least expect it, as it always does. Right at the end of the chapter is this verse (Another Note: NIV is the worst translation ever, and in order to catch what I’m saying here, you may want to take a look at the King James Version.)

Is 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

A very hopeful and inspiring verse to those who may be going through a hard time might I say?

Now, having recently decided that the “church of Beth Moore” isn’t my thing and since being brainwashed by Rob Bell and deciding that the “church of Rob Bell” has got it going on. (Hope I didn’t offend anyone, just some mild humor) I decide to br, br, break it down a little bit and look at the original language. So I went onto and looked up the verse and the concordance with all the original language stuff on it. Its pretty cool.

I took a look at the Hebrew word for “wait”, it is the word “qavah” (kaw-vaw). It’s a verb meaning to wait, look for, hope, expect, to wait eagerly for, to lie and wait for.

Then the thought came to me, and ingenious one that must have been from God cause I wouldn’t have figured it out on my own. What other verse do I know of that mentions waiting? Do you remember that song by that band? (Hint: The song is 40 and the band is U2) Not that song is actually a direct quote from;

Psalm 40:1-2
I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps.

Now you guess it, in the first line, the original Hebrew word used for “waited patiently” is the word qavah. But I noticed that these verses also have another word in common. It is the Hebrew word `alah (aw-law) which means; to go up, ascend, climb, to meet, visit. Now it is used in Psalm 40 for the phrase “He brought me up”. But it is used in Isaiah 40 for the phrase “mount up”.

So what does all of this mean? Ok, so in Psalm 40 this just sounds like someone telling us what God did for them right? Yes, it does, but I believe that it is meant more like Isaiah 40. These two verses are a promise from God. Promises that if we wait (qavah) for God. He will lift us up (`alah) out of our pit.

Psalm 40 says “heard my cry”. How often do we cry out to God and feel like nothing happens? God promises us here, if we cry out to him, if we WAIT (qavah-wait eagerly, expect, hope) for Him, He is with us, he will lift us up.

It is too bad we live in a culture where waiting just isn’t an option. Can’t wait for supper to cool…nuke it(That would be the microwave)! Can’t wait for the guy in front of us…honk the horn!

I am so guilty of this, I have no patience. Ask God, if I don’t get immediately what I want, then move on for comfort somewhere else. What have I missed out on because I haven’t waited for God? Not just concerning hard times, what would we learn and hear from God if we took time, to just wait for Him. If we just took time to sit quietly and wait eagerly for God.

The woman who was sick and touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak as he walked by and was healed…I bet she was waiting eagerly for Jesus, watching every step he took as he came her way.

So that is my challenge for myself and for anyone else who would like to join me, to wait. Qavah for God.


Kim said...

I totally know what you're saying here, I have definately had to learn patience in many different areas in my life and I am still learning. God has definately proved his faithfullness to me in situations that I at one time was very impatient, but I cried out and asked for help and he heard my cries. It did take a few years but he has given me peace and comfort which encourages me to have faith and patience in other areas of my life. I definately have a long way to go though!

Hebrews 10:36- Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

Yurr...She Blows said...

Thanks a lot for that verse. It helps spark up a thought I had a while ago about perseverence, and even inspired a future post I think. Anyway, that verse was just a great reminder to me. So thank you Gillian.

Yurr...She Blows said...

Wow...and by Gillian of course I mean PP. I am such an idiot! lol...hahahaha, now I just find it really funny.

Anonymous said...

You are really should read this new book I's called Get Out of the Pit and it is based on Psalm 40:1-2. And, oh yeah, it's by Beth Moore. Only she's not talking out loud, but she does tell some good hair stories...PTL!

Yurr...She Blows said...

Hmmm...Beth Moore eh. Well I'm a little tied up with reading right now. A "Sex God" is changing my life. Rob Bell is a genious, or maybe God just talks to him. Either way....

Seriously though, I will look into reading that. I love psalms 40. Which may or may not have something to do with U2