So here you see a few pictures of me with a white rock. Me with a white rock in my mouth, me with a white rock on my head, me throwing a white rock in the air beside me and trying to get a picture or it, and finally me just holding a white rock.
Well there is a story behind all this.
Today I was reading "Sex God, Exploring the endless connection between sexuality and spirituality" by Rob Bell. He was saying in chapter 3 that when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden there was disconnection. Between the two of them (they will fight), between them and the earth (they have to work hard for the ground to produce), and between them and God (Sin). And I got thinking about how disconnected I am from the earth, and from the beauty of God's creation. And how God wants me to enjoy that. So also knowing that getting alone outdoors in peace is a great chance to just listen for God, I decided to go for a hike. From Southern Head to the flock of rocks...or as most people would know them "The Flock Of Sheep".
I didn't do my OCDish check the computer before I left (I always have to see if by some lucky chance someone wrote me on msn, facebook, or my blog. I even left my cell phone at home. Just me, God, and a gorgeous day.
So on the hike out, God just brought a really cool idea into my head about some things. And I sat and just enjoyed an amazing, gorgeous day! I decided to hike back part of the way on the beach. I didn't get a hundred feet before I looked down amongst all the blue, grayish rocks and I saw this one guess it, it was white. So not even thinking about it I picked it up and brought it with me. I didn't give it any thought at all.
I continue my walk thinking about what I could do with this rock. I could throw it at another rock and when it bounces back try to catch it. Or I could take it to the cliffs and throw it off (because we all know throwing things off high places is fun...that's why I like rappelling). None the less I had to special thought behind this rock, I was just walking fiddling around with it and tossing it around in my hands.
(Now this next part is not to say that everyone who goes hiking and finds a rock has to have something profound happen, but this is kind of cool for me.)
Somewhere on the way back I was thinking about something else I read in Sex God, when it explains the story of Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 25-27 I think). Now I have never actually read this story on my own...which now of course I have to do. But anyway, God makes a promise to Jacob, and Jacob places a stone there to mark the spot where this promise was made. Years later he returns and builds an altar there.
Now all of a sudden this rock had more meaning to me. I know it sounds cheesy but I can't explain it any other way than that. This little white rock that I found and planned to throw away now meant so much more to me.
It was a symbol of what God has been teaching me lately. To wait (qavah), He will raise me up. How He talks to me when I take time for him. How He delivers me from evil, oppression, anger, pain and sorrow. How He hears my cries and holds me, and raises me up in those times. How He is an amazing God who created the earth, beautiful. How He loves me so much that I am worth dying for. How He has a plan for my life. How He is in control of everything, and has it all worked out. How He wants me to be connected to nature, others and Himself. How Good He is to me. Ultimately, how He is the loving, powerful, GOD OF ALL.
I have to admit, I wanted to throw it off the cliff when I got back (again, just because its cool) but I honestly couldn't. Now the rock sits on my dresser as a reminder to me of who God is.
So ya, this is just a story of what happened to me today, and it was really cool for me. Even though it might sound strange. God is good!
P.S. Part 2 will be up in a couple of days.
That is really cool, at first I thought you had an egg for some reason? I don't know why, but it still amazes me how faithfull God is. He shows up in the smallest of details in our everyday lives if we are willing to see HIm. I love it! P.S. This is not Gillian, I repeat not Gillian!
Thanks pp...I would like to thank you for your faithfullness as well. Such a faithful commenter. Much appreciated.
I lvoe curtis as well.
I also thought it was an egg until I read on, I couldn't understand the unfortunate shape of this "egg" in the first picutre but the rest of them did kind of make it look like an egg haha..Oh how my mind deceives me. Yet again and insightful blog from the mind of Scott. I totally agree with what your getting at. It's so amazing to know that when we take the time out to be alone with God how he comes through and blesses us. Makes me sit and wonder (and be convicted) about why I don't do this more often. If inside, I know that I will be filled if I spent more time with him, and I'd be happier and more at peace, why don't I do it? ggrrrrr guess thats all from me now that I've admitted my failings..and come in agreement with how Amazing our God is! :)
Ya, i notice myself saying that I have no time to jsut sit, or get alone with God or whatev. But i do.
I just think of how much time I sit around during the day, or do somethign that I can sacrifice. God is good, but we have to want it, and make time for Him.
Thats to you too Gillian for being a faithful quoter.
Is that Rob Bell in that picture? Do my eyes deceive me? You shoud write your own book. Call it "Throwing things off cliffs is fun but holding on to those things make great pictures"
Taht is a great idea kirk
Okay, I broke down and read your really long blog...I have to admit that knowing it was going to be long made me want to avoid it. You should have told me there were pictures. I liked the pictures. And it was great foreshadowing. I thought it was an egg, too, and I was like...what is going to happen to that egg? Why is Scott eating that egg? Why is Scott taking a picture of himself eating an egg? Why is he eating an egg in his bedroom? Why does he have that egg on his head...what if it falls off and breaks? I wonder if it is hard-boiled...I was just so curious I had to read on. And so I did. And am I ever glad, because it was really good. Deep and symbolic, but not too deep and symbolic.
On a serious note, I am so proud of your growth and maturity...God rocks (no pun intended)!
Love you.
White rock, you say.... I must have mistaken it for an egg! ...and wondered why it was on your head instead of in my belly! haha
Do you have a flat head? It seems to me it would be very hard to ballance an egg on a head. Your talented Scott.
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