Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And Now It's Time For Reflections With Scott Ingalls

What have I done with what God has given me? What God has invested in me, blessed me with, what have I produced?Well I know the answer to this one, nothing. One peticular thing comes to mind, what did I do with it? Was I thankful for it? Yes, did I act like it? I squandered it, hurt it. God has given me so much in so many areas of my life and I have not acted thankful at all.This is my confession. God has blessed me, and I do not want to be unthankful or take that for granted ever again. God is good to us, he has been good to me, and for that I thank him. His blessings are many.

So ya, this one was really short. I promise there is humour to come out of me, I know its in there somewhere, just gotta dig through some other stuff to get to it!

Peace out all. Have a good day.

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