Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Little Less Intense Perhaps

Ok, so upon the intensity of the last few posts I would like to blog today to brighten the mood some. But first I pose this question to you all.

Who cares if there are spelling mistakes in my blog. My own mother pointed out to me yesterday that my blog was "pretty good, a few spelling mistakes, but pretty good" and the encouragement was muchly appreciated. And another peticular individual pointed out in one comment that they "didn't notice any spelling mistakes because they only skimmed"...perfectionism (and Macintosh) is going to be the world's downfall!
I'll just admit to it right now, in grade 6 I made a mistake. I said Majorie, instead of Marjorie, I couldn't read, talk, spell, or type then and I can't read, talk, spell, or type now. (The only thing I can do is use a comma a million times/blog) I'm sorry but between reading some "Farley Mowat" books and "Island Of The Blue Dolphins" I couldn't catch up on the rest of my schooling requirments.So lets all just cut me some slack here and all go hastle Kirk Perry and Scottie Leighton about how all thier sports teams suck shall we?

Now moving on. I am adding something to my blog, its known as the "quote of the week". It seems to me people just love hearing things come out of my mouth that other people have said. So I am going to quote something (preferably humourous) at least once a week. I can not promise that this will happen on a peticular day each week, but that there will be at least one every week, at least for a while.Also I must give credit where credit is due, I came up with this idea on my own. So here we go:

"I like travelling, I feel safe in airports thanks to the high calibre individuals we have working at X-ray security. How about this crack-squad of savy, motivated personnel. The way you want to set up your security is like this; you want the short heavy set woman with the skin tight uniform at the front. Thats your first line of defence. You want those pants so tight the flap in front of the zipper has pulled itself open, you can see the metal tangs hanging on for dear life!"

-Jerry Seinfeld

Until next time all my loyal subjects, have a good one!


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