Foun-da-tion: The basis or groundwork of anything.
Lets look at a little song I was brainwashed into learning as a child, while being forced to attend Sunday School.(You can also find this story in Mt 7:24)Ahem
The wise man built his house upon the rock (x3)
And the rains came tumbling down
The rains came down and the floods came up (x3)
And the house on the rock stood firm
The foolish man built his house upon the sand (x3)
And the rains came tumbling down.
Rain's came down and the floods came up (x3)
And the house on the sand fell flat. (Sucker)
Now, I realize this song isn't the bible...but lets do a little study of this one (using some tips I learned in Intro to B.S. at Bethany.) I'll let you know right now that I think the house is a metaphor for our lives, and how we live them.
What do these two verses have in, houses, foundations and storms. But the difference is where the foundation lies, and the outcome after the storms. In the Bible Jesus is telling the story of these two men and their houses. He says that when the storm came the man who built his house on the rock..."the winds blew and slammed against that house, yet it did not fall, for it had been FOUNDED on the rock" And the foolish man...well we all know that part of things.
I find it interesting how the word founded is in there. In verse 24 Jesus says "Everyone who hears the words of mine and acts on them is like the wish man who built his house upon the rock." So, shall we conclude that to "build your house", a.k.a, to place your foundation, to live your life upon the rock means to hear and follow God's commands? I think so. Besides God doesn't just say these things for fun, or cause He can. He gives us rules and commands for our own good.
"And to observe the Lord's commands and decrees I am giving you today, for your own good." Dt 10:12
I've built my foundation on sand...uh...pretty much my whole life. And when the storms come...and boy oh boy do they come hard. I don't have the strength or hope to go on, my house falls flat, my life and everything that I'd built it on lie in ruins. But I've noticed lately that when I put my trust in God, and obey his commands that I do have strength and hope to go on. When we make God the foundation of our life we can have strength to go through anything. "I can to all things through Christ who gives me strength" Phil 4:13.
This is a big lesson for me, even this week I've been challenged with where to put my trust, my foundation, my life. Do I trust God with all things, build my life on Him, follow His commands and decrees that He gives me for my own good? Or do I lean on my own understanding, worry about life myself and build my house on the sand? The Bible says in Proverbs not to lean on my own understand, and God will make my paths straight (It's in Pr.3:5,6). I thank God that He has reminded me of this. And I hope someone else out there can apply this in their life.
That's my spiel for today. Hope you all have a good one.Hmmm...still thinking of a quote of the week guys, I'll get back to you on that one.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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