Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why? Why? Why Did I Have To Make My Second Post So Long?

Oh wow, this is a long one, very long. Hope it doesn't discourage you from reading it.


It seems to be the burning question of our culture. We no longer can accept that things are the way they are, we can no longer go on just being content with what he have and the way life is. Why seems to be the real unanswered question that we have to know.

Why are old people still allowed to drive?
Why do they have to put those annoying faucets in airport bathrooms? (You know the ones you push on the top and frantically reach to get one small drop of moisture and get that weird bubble soap off your hands and say "oh, I got a little water there".)
Why can't they just use regular soap instead of that bubbly soap?
Why didn't I win a million?
Why didn't Uconn and West Virgina make the NCAA tournament?
Why does the tide come in and out?
Why do Chinese people still eat with chopsticks? Whats up with that?

And the list goes on and on in any other area of life you choose to discuss. Now I pose this question....does asking why change anything in these situations? Would knowing why fix these problems, would it accomplish anything for us?

Here's something for ya,

Why does a God who says he loves his people subject them to what seem like hell that this world can throw at us? That's the one I've been asking. Why does God allow this, why can't I just know why this is happening. Why can't you just show me what is "far greater" is that out weighs all the sucktasticness that we as people put up with. If you can't tell my why this has happened, then why can't you at least show me the light at the end of the tunnel?

How many people do you suppose ask God "why?" in the run of a day?

I've asked God why countless times in the last few weeks, and when I think about it, I didn't really get an answer, or at least one I liked. And If I knew why, what would it change anyway? Does asking why accomplish anything, would an answer accomplish anything? it just me or does it seem like the most unproductive thing you can do in any situation is ask why?

Trust...that seems to be the thing that keeps coming back to me. The big question I ask in my situation (for those of you who know it) is not really why is this happening. (because God tells us that our trials are achieving something that far outweighs them all...which is hard to grasp or understand. But I think I'm somewhat getting this concept.) But my question is why can't God just show me how all this plays out so that I can just let it pass and move on to what He has for me?

If we knew what God's plan was for us all the time, if we knew how this all played out then what would be the need of God? We wouldn't need to trust him, we could just go on without Him and know that it was going to be ok. But here's the thing, whether we know or not, in the end its going to be ok, God promised it. (That whole far greater outweighing thing (2 Cor 4:17))

A good friend of mine told me something like this, "God wants us to hope in him, no necessarily in the promises He gives"(it was something like that). And it makes sense. Why would we have to trust in God if we knew how it all worked out in the end...good or bad we wouldn't need him. God wants us to trust him, He doesn't always tell us why, sometimes he might, but he doesn't always. So the challenge is left to us to trust him. Which is hard, cause I have to know everything and how it all works out, I just have to. But that's not the promise God gave is it? Just, trust, trust!

That's what I learned Tuesday night, with the help of a couple friends that's what I learned from this doosie of a question. I don't know if it applies to anyone else but God showed this to me and I thank Him for it. Does knowing this always make it easier, of course not, a lot of the time it doesn't seem to make the smallest dent in my worry. But I'm glad that I serve a God who is faithful and really does love his people, and I trust that He's got is all figured out for the better. And so the challenge is out to anyone else, do you trust God? Really trust him?

If you don't I hope this somehow speaks to you, and lets try our best to trust him more.When Life sucks (and unfortunately it tends to often) trust God.

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